Thursday, April 18, 2013

Hippy Runners

So lately my knee and hip (opposite sides) have been bothering me while running and after. The obvious solution would be to stop running but I would really like to make it to Broad Street this year as I gave up on it last year for a similar problem. Overtraining could be the reason for these problems but I have been very carefully increasing my mileage and taking breaks. I started thinking about IT band problems and came across many articles/studies suggesting that injury prone runners may have weak hip abductor muscles. Flashback to my teens and twenties when I couldn't even do a good stretch without getting a charlie horse in my one hip and it sounded like a probability. So if you have any chronic lower extremity injuries this might be helpful. Here is a link to an article about a study performed to determine exercises that can be done to strengthen those muscles without aggravating the tensor fascia lata which runs along the IT band. If you want to cut to the chase, the last page has the exercises. I am going to give it a shot and see if I can't make that Broad Street finish line with less pain.

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